Wednesday, October 01, 2003


Ok, I am blessed and thankful once again. I had a test and 4 quizzes to do tonight and mysteriously enough, the teacher made an announcement online tonight that we have until Saturday night to finish them now. I just can not believe how well things are going lately... It is so wierd! I am thankful, though. Things are wonderful. I am staying very bizy taking care of Evelyn, although today got cut down to two hours. School is insane but manageable. Freddy and Kristina are going back to Virginia tomorrow morning. I am hoping the orange cat gets adopted at the adopt a pet on Saturday. I also hope a few people show up for my bday party sat. night. Jarrod and I had lunch today and looked around Farmer's Market downtown (plants) and it was fun. Tonight we went to dinner w/ his whole family and it was cool. I talked to TiVany most of the night. She is a supa kewl chicadee, and I always enjoy her company. Not much else.... I am tired. I need to start doing this blog thing in the morning when I can think better.

Love you all, Thanks for reading!!!!!!

Email me: BLNDNT@Aol.COM

and check out if you haven't already.. there are tons of used books and CD's on there if you are looking for somewhere to shop online.

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