Wednesday, October 08, 2003


Weds. does suck. I don't know why, it just does.

Well yesterday was a great day. Evelyn had to go to physical therapy, but thats all good cuz it gives me time to read in the waiting area. Then we went to Circuit CIty and went TV shopping. She got a really cool tv, but it won't be delivered til MOnday. Did you know that they make tv's w/ a feature now called steady sound or something like that, which makes it so the commercials aren't louder than the tv show. Pretty cool huh? Then she got me the special edition Lion King for a bday present and got her self a dvd/vcr combo. I actually figured out how to hook that up by myself (i was very proud) and we watched most of Lion King, cuz she had never seen it. Today we are going to watch the rest, after I take her to physical therapy again.
I went back to Target last night and they don't sell my white notecards anymore!!!!!!!!! SO I had to get these ones w/ colored edges and they are thick so they don't work for my cards. THATS BUGS ME! Oh well, anyway and Jarrod and I had Taco Bueno for dinner. MMMMMMMMM that is sooooo yummy. They have the best beans (which I can't eat anymore) and taco salads. ANyone not living in Dallas who comes to visit I will be sure to take u to Bueno! MMM

Exciting stuff today, eh?

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