Friday, October 24, 2003

oky doky

Okay, well I didn't really clean my house, but I cleaned out my car. It was pretty nas-T. Why does no one else ever clean out my car? I don't understand why months go by w/out me cleaning it and no one else felt the urge to do it for me. Must be cuz I don't live at home anymore. Dad-e-o used to clean it once in a while, or at least inspire me to do so.

Well time to take a shower (its only 4:30 pm) and get all cute for the Six Flags trip tonight. After we get back from that around 10:30 Jarrod is going to get a tutorial on Blackjack from his dad. They both love to gamble, so maybe it will be a memorable bonding experience.

By the way, did I mention we are probably not going to go to haunted houses in Kansas City? Neither Jarrod or I really care that much and its $20 a person and its in ghettoville K.C. so we will probly go to a groovacious dinner at a japanese steakhouse and have some drinks at a smooth dive. Well Love ya'll ! Happy FRIDAYYYYY

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