Thursday, October 16, 2003

two in one day

Wow, I don't have anything to say, but I am blogging! Tonight I attempted to study for my enormous midterm in economics I have to take tomorrow, but I got distracted making a list of gifts to get everyone for christmas. IS that sad or what? I can not concentrate! Well I guess I can concentrate, just not on Economics. Then I decided to take a shower, which I never do at night. ANd I have got online to check my email fifty times even though no one ever emails me at night... Well the rib dinner tonight was yummy. Jarrods parents were there w/ us. I get so mad at them and I don't know why really. I guess I am just like that b/c I want them to be just like my parents. But I really DON'T want that either. For some reason I just let his dad rub me the wrong way when he really is a good person. What is my problem? Does anyone even know what I am talking about???? I want to hear about ya'lls lives like I blab about mine all the time. START A BLOG! If I can do it you can do it! LOVE CAROLINE

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