Sunday, November 02, 2003

sunday sunday sunday

Howdy loyal readers!!!!!!!! Thanks to all who read and comment and to those who read...... :) love ya'll!

Today was a good day, I went to church and it was a very good "sermon", made me think a lot, a nice lady sat next to me which made it not feel like I was at church alone. It was good. Then Jarrod and I went to my parents house for lunch which was yummy as always. STEAK! Then my grandma came over which was cool and her, my mom and I and Anna moved anna's old bed into the guest room and gave the old twin bed to Jarrod's parents for his neice who is about to turn 5. And we got the futon out of my guest room and moved it over to my parents house, so now I can have a big desk in this room and hopefully hook up my GOOD computer! YEA! Then Jarrod and I had Arby's for dinner and my uncle Spencer called tonight and it was SOOO awesome to talk to him, it just totally gave me hope again. I have had really wierd mood swings all day today cuz I think not smoking more than a couple drags a day is making me super moody, plus some medicine stuff, but anyway. It was soo good to hear that my uncle is doing good and that he and his wife are growing and all that awesome stuff, I am just so glad they are happy. My uncle used to live here in TX and would hang out w/ me and Jarrod a lot. So that is it for today, tonight the Sopranos comes on, my favorite show! I talked to Evelyn tonight and she only wants me to work ONE 1/2 day this week, so I gotta get some flyers made up and start putting them out again and get some bizness comin in. Well hope to hear from u soon!!!!!

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