Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Still lovin it

Yes, I still love my life. Isn't that wacked! Last night Jarrod and I went to Chili's for dinner and that was very coolio. I had boneless buffalo wings (which there are more waiting at home fore me, mmm) and he had fajita nachos, his favorite!!! We went to the dollar movie after that, and OH JOY, it is only 50 cents on Tuesdays! So we saw S.W.A.T. which was a good movie. It has cutey pie Collin Farrell and that mean hispanic chick off of Blue Crush, does anyone know her NAME??? It was a good movie, for a BOY FLICK! We had a great night, we came home and watched more of Elton John singing. Today I cleaned for Evelyn and then she took me to lunch at Joe's Crab Shack. It was a yummy lunch. It was cool to hang out w/ her and talk to her again, too, it feels like forever. So she told me she wants me to come once a week for four hrs to clean, and that she will pass my name around for some more bizness. Hopefully this weekend I will have some time to put out flyers, too. If only more people knew how AWESOME I can clean a house!!!! haha. But its true! Anyway so I am at the school now, I just got done watching two videos for my Humanities Telecourse. The videos were made in 1976, yet they STILL consider them educational! Crazy, but whatever! I took a 30 minute nap in my car before coming inside the school. I don't know why I am so tired all the time! I just always get like TOTALLY spaced out sleepy in the afternoons. I try to eat pretty healthy, I guess I could do better. I have been getting enough sleep, well 7 hours anyway. I exercise at least 3 X a week for over an hour... What is the problem here??? So when i woke up from my car-seat nap, it was pouring rain outside. Thank heavens that Jarrod's gma gave me an umbrella a while back and it was still in my trunk. Of course I caught a glimpse of myself in the window of the school and I looked pretty gooberish with my light pink sweatshirt on and a pink/yellow/green striped umbrella that said Oscar De La Renta. Oh well, who cares what I look like anyway right! Well, I am headed home now. Have a good night everybody and thanks for reading!!! LOVE CAROLINE

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