Thursday, July 15, 2004

Finding Franky

Things that are on my mind: my brother. I am worried about him. I dreamt about him and it was not good. No one has heard from him in days and he isn't even trying to come home. I know he is into some stuff that is dangerous, but probably lots of fun. I am sure he is just out there having a good time, doing what he wants to do. I have been there... It is just scary because I worry that he will be the one out of a hundred that falls out. Drugs are one thing, but then there is all the people who hate gays. If he flaunts his drama in front of some angry redneck or whoever, there is a good chance of getting beat up. Hopefully his friends he is with now are people who have his back and are just good suport for him for whatever he needs right now. It is just sad without him around. I know it is bothering my mom and dad. I wouldn't know what to do if I was them. He is 18 now... Who knows. I don't.


Brent said...

I don't know, either. But I know how to pray.

Caroline said...

Good Point, Brent.