Friday, July 23, 2004

after all that hoo haw

After all my hooing and hawing about wanting to have a natural birth, I am actually wanting a C Section now.

I will let that sink in to anyone who even cares in case u want to feel disappointed in my taking the easier way out, or if u want to sit back and say I told you so! haha

My decision is based on several things. One is that I already have a scar on my belly from Gold. So why scar anything else? I can also schedule this, which means everyone I want to be there should be and Jarrod can make sure he is off work. I won't have to go through numerous hours of labor and waiting........... and neither will my family. In about 5 minutes I will have a baby in my arms, who is hopefully healthy and has a nice round head. No fears of ruptured uterus, emergency hysterectome (sp?) or cords wrapped around the neck. These sound like good things to me. The only thing that doesn't sound good is being heavily drugged after my baby cakes is born. But I suppose that will mean it is Jarrod's time with the baby, and that is okay. I feel good about this decision.

Have a great FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!


Kendra said...

it's your decision, yo. Go Caroline for making up her own mind. I'm excited about baby!!!

Caroline said...

It is actually an accomplishment all in itself for me to make my own decision. I am concerned about other people's opinion, but I want to do what I want to do and try not to worry about it too much.