Thursday, March 30, 2006

funny thing about not having a computer

I am keeping up with blogging even tho they are short posts! haha. I am using Casey's computer but only about once a day. Jarrod didn't like it when I would be on the computer 5 or 6 times a day checking email and chatting with people. Maybe once I get my laptop fixed (please please please let it be fixable....they say there is a prob w/ the motherboard yikes) I can just use it a couple times a day now that i know i really CAN survive without a computer, although it isn't easy! :) Well I didn't sleep good again last night> I don't know what my problem is. Lately every time I have a house to clean I get all anxious the night before and think too much and can't sleep. Ugh, I get on my own nerves (as Mimi used to say). Well i wish i could write more but mahna just woke up.......... I do want to shout out to my momma who I had an awesome night out with last night! :) X's and O's

more to come: I think we figured out a way to pay off Jarrod's car (without borrowing money from anyone!) and get a loan on our own!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEE

Sad news: Jarrod's grandma has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be having a mascectomy next week. She has great faith and hope and a wonderful attitude, but it is sad and scary nonetheless. Jarrod is very close to his grandma, talks to her every day. She is a really sweet tiny little woman who raised five kids and has about 20 some grandkids and about 8 great grandkids at the age of 73. I really pray she comes thru this like a shooting star. to clean a house and drink lots o coffeeeeeeee


cincin21 said...

HI Baby .... I am addicted to my laptop ... I guess you already know that ...

Sorry to hear about Jarrod's G'Ma ... positive thoughts going out to her ...

Joye said...

I'll be praying for Jarrod's grandmother.