Tuesday, March 07, 2006

no heart for cleaning

My heart was not in my work today. I did a nice job, but I could have stayed all day on an hourly rate cleaning every niche. I left 2 hr early, with permission. I wanted to see Mahna. I didn't want to clean. I felt a blanket of "down-ness" on my neck and shoulders and I just didn't want to clean anything else. HOpefully I will get over this tonight because I have two houses tomorrow and two houses on Thursday and one on friday...... I wish I could clean everyone's house for them in a way. But then I just wish I could do it in the middle of the night when Mahna was sleeping. Then I would probably get depressed about missing watching her sleep. Haha. She had a great time at my Gmas house today and even pottied in the potty! This is not the first time but it is a far between since the last. My gma is so awesome with trying to get her to sit on the pot. I am so lazy or A.D.D. or something. I need to start focusing on it especially since I am so lucky to have someone trying FOR me 3 days a week!

My nieces were here today when I got home and I was in a pissish mood and didn't really want to play with them but I made myself semi snap out of it so I wouldn't be a beast to a 7 and10 yr old who don't understand auntie's mood swings. Mahna had fun with them having a picnic of cheetoes and oreos on the front "lawn" (tis mostly dirrrrt). We went on a tiny walk with the wagon and as always Tina got annoyed with Mahna (that is the 7 yr old). Kat was wearing her "high heels" again which suprised me b/c she wore them all day at skewl yesterday and then for 3 hr of shopping with us yesterday! She was complaining all night so I figured she would put them to rest for a day or so til her blisters went away.

mahna wants me......adios

1 comment:

Joye said...

I remember days like that, when I sometimes worked while my kids were little. You feel such a strong need to be with them. You have a few things weighing heavy on your heart right now, too, that would cause anyone to struggle.