Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Howdy readers. Today is a rainy rainy day..... I feel bad for people who have pools and time off work. But ya know, then again it can be fun to have time at home doing housework or watching movies or cooking, eating, writing... reading. Yesterday I went and got Anna and we rented Candyman and 50 First Dates. Both are very good movies. Candyman was made in 1992, but it is still super scary and I do not think it is corny. I saw it when I was about 13 or 14 for the first time and it scared the jeepers outta me so I showed it to Anna who claims to not get scared at any movie. U will have to ask her yourself what she thought! :) So we are just hanging out watching movies and we wrote a couple letters to people, took showers and did a couple dishes. Oh and we had some yummy orange cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

My parents are on vacation in Colorado and having a fun time so far w/ their friends and riding motorcycles. I hope they will relax this week and not worry about stuff too much for once. Everyone needs a break here and there. Watching 50 First dates makes me want to go to Cancun again. I think I would enjoy it MORE this time. I mean I want to wait til after the baby is born of course, but I just think I would enjoy it more than I did two years ago. REASON is that we went w/ some friends a couple years ago and I was pretty insecure and jealous of a girl who was w/ us and it sort of messed up the trip. I think Jarrod and I are more secure in our relationship now and that I am not so afraid that he is goign to turn into cheating Jeremy all of a sudden. Caroline's deep fears, revealed! haha Anyway that is all for now talk to u soon. Leave a comment saying HI, unlike Stephy I am not secure enuf to say I don't need them! :)

1 comment:

Kendra said...

i like the way your blog fades in and out when you click on it or go to another blog from it. you're cool! Candyman is scary! Was it as scary, watching it ten (eleven?) years later?