Wednesday, May 03, 2006

small postings

Hello thanks for checking my bloggerooo! I am hoping to get my computer fixed pretty soon. It seems like forever, and it probably has been, since it worked. My bro-in-law has been working on it but has set it down for some time now. I didn't want to be rude before and take it back but I think he is tired of trying and we have a little money at the moment, so I am gonna see about putting it in a shop or sumthin.
Mahna is sleeping all night! can you believe it? I thought the day would never come. I guess that she really was just in a "habit" of waking up to nurse and therefor the habit haas been broken. It was a sad transition to stop nursing but it is okay now. I am glad to have my body semi-to myself for a few months. I do not know if I am pregnant yet, but don't worry I will post when I know! Oh also, I CAN'T sleep anymore. I toss and turn and my mind seems to race a hundred miles an hour now when I lay down. I can' tbelieve I finally have a chance to sleep and I can NOT! I tried tea last night and it didn't work. Maybe I will try writing first tonight.
Anyway I am off to clean a house. Jarrod's birthday was great fun and he was very excited about his metal detector. We went to the lake yesterday to try it out. No great treasures but I do see how it is addicting! HAHA


Joye said...

Pregnant? Ooo. :)

Little Me said...

That's a hard transition for me too- finally getting to sleep through the night. My baby is sleeping all night now, too, and I still wake up when she used to. She's trained me!