Saturday, July 02, 2005

mahna is ten months old!

Holy cow can it really be that ten months have gone by!!! Goodness! She is so fun now. Not that she ever WASN'T. She has four little cute teeth, two top, two bottom. My mom told me it would change the way she looked and it really has! She is such a little cutie. Such a love bug too. She does this little shy thing when new people are around or people she hasn't seen in a while. While I am holding her she will lean her head on my chest and look up at the person. It is so cute. She also makes all kinds of cute little different sounds. She tries to immitate whatever we say like "Hi Anna". She says HI all the time and waves bie bie and loves to clap for any reason!

Thank God we are over that sickness. It was no fun at all. I thought I would have lost some weight eating just jello and boullion, but no such luck. I weighed in at weightwatchers this morning at the same weight I've been at for about two weeks. Oh well. At least I haven't gained anything. I need to get back on track like seriously. I am doing pretty good today. I think eating lots of salad is the key to it all. I really want to get down to a cute little size so I can wear all the clothes that I like. Kendra and me went to a couple stores in Grapevine mills yesterday and I realized how much bigger I am than a lot of girls and that I am just entirely too huge for my height. Please don't comment "u look fine" or "i don't think ur fat" because that is not my purpose of writing this. :) Thanks anyway tho. Thankfully Mahna is pretty good at the gym babysitting room these days so I can work out about 3 times a week at least for an hour. There is a new older woman working there which I really do not like at all and would love to tell her off for telling ME how to be a mom, but I will continue being nice as hell to her because I learned very quickly that if someone is watching your kid you definately don't want them mad at you!

My parents and gma and anna are in Colorado right now which is a big bummer. I really don't hang out w/ friends, just my mom and gma and sister so it is like my social circle going on vacation. Jarrod, Mahna and I do get to join them for a couple days next week though. That should be relaxing. I wonder how Mahna will do on the plane ride this time.

Wow I forgot to mention that Jarrod bought TWO CARS the other day! KIA was having some special on Kia Rios. There were like 5 on the lot that were totally bare as in no A/C or radio, much less power anything, including steering. $5800 for a brand new car which gets much better gas mileage than his truck does. Being a courier really SUCKS during these days of ridiculous gas prices, in case I never mentioned that before. So the money saved in gas will actually pay for the car plus some. Now u want to know why he bought TWO. Well Casey didn't have the credit so Jarrod got him one also in his name. Pretty nice brotherly thing to do if I may say so myself.

In TV news, I probably won't have much TV news in the near future because we are cancelling our satellite to save money. So I won't get to watch RESCUE ME on FX on Tuesdays anymore or Law and Order SVU marathons.... Or PUNK'D. I guess I will just have to have tv night at the neighbors! :) At least "The Biggest Loser" is starting up again soon. That is on a public channel. I swear, I am really not a TV junkie, I just have a couple that I am sorda into. Hey, I am a housewife! What do you expect!!!!!!!!!! (Are there women cringing out there at me saying that?)

1 comment:

Brent said...

If I went without cable television I think I'd hemorrage and fall over. Having "air" only tv is as close as I like to get to camping.