Thursday, July 07, 2005

thursday's news

Hmmm not much exciting to say...... isn't that a great way to start a post. I woke up next to my babykins numerous times over the night. I slept lightly so I dreamed a lot. One dream was a vivid one about driving in the rain (ironic that it rained today and I drove in it) and I felt myself losing control of the car (my mustang) and I suddenly knew that I was about to be in a car wreck, I couldn't see and the car was spinning and spinning across a four lane highway (where, I don't know) but I was just praying the whole time that no one would hit me. It was so real feeling, so then the car goes over a hill and into like gravel/sand/mud. I feel it start sinking and I push the door open as far as I can and help my grandma out of the back seat of the car. It is sinking slowly so I am concentrating on getting my "things" out of my car, the backpack I take to the gym, Mahna's diaper bag (she was not with me) and I am t hinking of where I am going next and how I will tell this story.... very strange.

Today I spent a lot of the day on the phone. Insurance for the new car, cancelling satellite, getting info on paying Franky's court fine and what he owes Sally's. I am not paying this but he gave me money to do so w hile he is in jail, which he still is and I am planning to visit him tonight. It is a 20 min drive to Denton and 20 back for just 30 min to talk to him but I am guessing he is probably pretty bored and lonely by now. You just never know with him tho. he might be just fine. Did you k now that gay men get a private cell? So at least I don't have to worry about the scary things u hear about in jail. So thats that for now ya'll. Talk to u later.

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