Thursday, August 05, 2004

'bout time for an update uh huh uh huh

I always leave ya hangin don't I? Sorry. I honestly tried to blog yesterday but the blogger website wouldn't work for me. OOh hold on the mail just came. Oh well nothing exciting. Yes, I am bored! I slept until 10:30 today. There were many awake times in between when I went to bed, too, though.

Jarrod's job interview went great. They basically offered him the job. Pay still hasn't been discussed, and they want him to come work a half a day to see how he likes it first. So it looks like his "diaper/keg party" next Friday night will also be a possible celebration of the new job. I am so excited. I am also paranoid for something bad to happen.

I went to the DR on Tuesday and scheduled my c section for AUGUST 31st. That way she won't be sharing her bday w/ any family members, and she will be able to start kindegarten when she is five instead of six, if she is ready. The doctor says that after 37 weeks the baby is full term, so at that point I will be 38 1/2 weeks. As of right now I am so sick of the heat and it is only Aug. 5. I also feel most of the time as if I can not breathe for her lil' booty pushing on my diaphragm. It is wierd when I came home from the DR I expected to be really excited, but I felt really depressed all day instead. I guess maybe knowing the end is coming and I won't get to feel her moving inside my belly anymore. Cutting the umbilical cord is like releasing her into the world without being able to protect her anymore...

On happier notes: Kendra and John arrived in Austin yesterday successfully! My mom was with them, and my dad and Anna went to meet them with a few pieces of furniture and the oh-so-important SHOWER CURTAIN. (anyone ever moved in a place and forgot they would need a SHOWER CURTAIN? haha... bet you have!) SO I am anxious to hear how things are going w/ them. If all goes as planned there will be a "welcome to Texas party" for Kendra and John next Sunday at my parents house. So there are two invites in this BLOG entry. To Jarrod's Diaper Keg Party next Fri night at our house(bring a pkg of diapers, drink some tasty beer!) and the welcome to Teyhaus par-T on Sunday afternoon at my parent's house.

Have a great day!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Brent said...

Diaper/keg party? We have to bring our own kegs? That's going to be one of the best parties of all time if that plays out!

Also, my oldest daughter was born on Sept. 3. We were thrilled that she'd be the oldest kid in her class instead of the youngest. I mean, we could've faught for early entrance and probably gotten it, but Tracy liked the idea of spending another year at home with her as well as maybe giving her another year of maturity. That might not mean much between the age of 5 and 6, but it means a world of difference between 13 and 14.