Sunday, August 29, 2004

shout out

I would just like to give a shout out to Jana and Brent. Thanks for always reading my blog!! It makes me feel very good to know that you care what I have to say! :)

Today has been a pretty cool day over all. Here i am blogging at 1:45 in the morning and I am not tired yet. I enjoy staying up all hours of the night when I have the freedom to do so. I am sure I won't like it so much when it is a have to situation. Who knows though. I have no clue what it will be like bringing Mahna home. Jarrod put the bassinet together tonight and it is in our room now. It is so hard to imagine there will actually be a little tiny person in there in another week. I only have Sunday, Monday and part of Tuesday and this pregnancy is over, man. That is such a freaky thing. I knew eventually this day would come, but holy cow, is it really only a couple days now??? Jarrod and I rearranged our room today so the bassinet would fit next to my side of the bed. We had to rearrange every single piece of furniture drastically to get this to work, but it was fun. Jarrod is super good at decorating. He is very mathematical and precise about things being centered, etc. Then we super cleaned the whole house for almost two hours. I am so glad to have a clean house. It sure did hurt though. I actually sat down and cried, but then again I am a big baby so that is no suprise. Then we went to dinner w/ Jarrod's parents, grandparents, Tivany, Warren, Freddy, Kristina and kiddos. Freddy and Kristina came out for the baby's birth. I am so glad they are here, I totally enjoy Kristina's company and it had been almost a year since we had seen our nephews. So it's nothin' but fun times for the next few days. Except for the part of getting my gut cut open. That I am a little nervous about but well I will save that for another day.

Happy Sunday!!!!

1 comment:

Justin and Michelle said...

Those middle of the night feedings can be hard...especially when you are already tired from the previous days lack of sleep. Still, it can be a wonderful time....just you and your baby...nobody else in the world is awake(at least that's what you think). I loved just sitting and rocking with Kayleigh...talking to her...praying for her. I'm still getting up with her on some nights, but she's started sleeping through the night on a pretty regular basis now. I kinda miss those quiet hours around 2am....crazy, I know. Bringing your daughter home will be scary and yet exciting. You'll be ready to go home after a couple days in the's wonderful, but you get no rest...someone is always coming in. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday! You'll be at Lewisville Hospital, right? Let me know...I've got a present for you and some diapers to bring to you.