Sunday, March 28, 2004

oh happy day

It has been a good weekend! Yesterday Jarrod and I got our income tax money so I got a vacuum (yes I am an obsessive cleaning lady) and he got a lawn mower (now he is a real man!). It was fun shopping for these things even though I can't believe we were excited about a lawn mower and vacuum. Even after being married almost 4 years we still feel like we are playing house sometimes. I kind of hope it always stays this way. Like we go through 2 weeks of eating at the table for dinner every night... then get bored of it and go back to the couch in front of the TV. But while the table lasts I feel so domestic and wifely, like I am doing what I always wanted to. Am I a total retardo? Tonight at my parent's house I sort of came to an understanding with myself, too. I realized that I am not a total loser for not having a college degree yet. It is okay that I am not just like Kendra, as driven and determined, and decisive... I just have different things I am doing and it does not make me less in my parents eyes, and I should not feel jealous of her or feel embarrassed of what I have not yet accomplished. I still have life left, right. Okay well anyway!

Today Jarrod and I got up at 9:30 and went grocery shopping (another play house thing) and then watched TV for a little while and had our neighbor over and his daughter who just turned 18 today and we played Jeapordy (sp?) on the playstation. It was kinda fun. I gave her one of my old hemp necklaces and a raver bracelet and a cupcake and she thought it was like the best present ever. That made me feel good for her that she had a happy piece of day. Later I went to church w/ Ma, and then we went to Ross and she got me some pregnancy pants. They are actually pretty cute, even on a super-chubbo like myself.

OH speaking of chubbbbbbbbo, I found out I can't go on the Atkins diet when I am breastfeeding! AND I can't drink beer! What the heck am I going to do! Ugh.

Well happy week to all of you, hope you can comment for me to make my day happy. I will try to keep up with the blog better. ADIOS!

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