Thursday, March 18, 2004

sumthing pozitive

okay i feel better, hopefully the blues will stay at bay for a while, now that I had one super crappy day. Life is not so bad, really. I am just uncomfortable in my own skin, and I have a hard time dealing with that. All day Tuesday i was praying for something positive to come in my mind, because I literally had only depressing thoughts streaming through. I know that may seem ridiculous to some logical folks. I have so much to be thankful for, I know. But finally that afternoon I realized I had one major thing to be thankful for. I got really lucky with the man that I married. (AWWWWWWWW) He is really sweet to me and gives me constant constant attention, which I am a big craver of. I just have my moments where I am so happy and feel so blessed that I got HIM instead of some of the other alternatives. I think the best part and the SAVING GRACE part of our life together was him choosing me, not the other way around. If I would have picked, I would have picked THE WRONG GUY.

ANywaysssssssss today was a great day. I went to school, and had a fine day, and then went to my parent's house where I hung out w/ anna and franky a while then me and Anna went to sTARBUCKS and sat outside in the lovely sunshine. Then we went to Cindy's to feed her kitties and we played w/ them in her backyard for about an hour and laid in her hammock in the sun..... aaah. THEN we went to Anna's old school and swung on the swings and she showed me her tricks on the monkey bars. It was fun.

Hope everyone is oky doky. Love ya Caroline

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