Thursday, March 11, 2004

almost a week

I remembered sort of subtly but slowly that I had shot a cop, on accident, and stole a bunch of money. I still had his keys, which my grandpa advised me to put somewhere that he would find them because nothing is more of a pain than losing a whole set of keys. All I could think of were fingerprints. Then I found the money order for $1000 made out to Deborah someone in my wallet. Boy do I wish I could change that money order to be made out to me, because I am BROKE now. And I need to leave NOW. The money order, I remember is for a donation place of some kind. At the time I stole all that money, I thought I should donate some of it, so as to ease my conscience. But it was so soon after it happened that i never gave her the money order. I want to now, seeing as it is useless to me. I always use sharpies to fill out my money orders, since there is that stuff to take regular ink off them if someone stole it. I can't believe I shot someone. That is too freaky. And his son was there, too. He was older, but still... Now me and this girl have to run and I don't know where we are going to go, but I have to pack up some stuff fast. I put some of my memories in a backpack. I grab two coin purses out of the trunk of my car. I look at all the other misc. stuff back there and think about how later on someone will be going through all this stuff........ I jump in the back of the van with The Girl and we start to leave. I tell her I didn't pack any clothes, we are starting brand new. But in the back of my mind I know that was pretty dumb not to even bring extra underwear. I am scared and regretful. I think of what Jarrod is going to say. I want to hate him and be mad at him and not care that I am leaving, so those are the thoughts I push in my head. I try to figure out ways I could stay and live close enough to still have my life but not have to go to jail. I figure out a way, and then we are on TV, tied up...... with crazy looking wigs on....... the dream is fading out and I wake up.

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