Monday, August 14, 2006

results of the sonogram

BOY BOY BOY!I am having a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it but it's true without any doubt that was a boy on that ultrasound today!!!!! Jarrod is so happy he can't quit smiling. I can't believe how excited I am now that I know it is a boy! This is so amazing. I just want to go decorate his room for him now and get all ready. I guess I can get rid of all Mahna's clothes now. I have been saving and saving and saving boxes of them just in case there was another girl. So anyone need girls clothing up to size 18 mo? I have a bunch of pairs of girl shoes size 4, 5, 6, too.
I would have been excited either way so I could have written this post ahead of time but I am amazed at how excited I am to be having a baby boy. I can't explain it but it is a good feeling. Scary to think of trying to raise a MAN but then it is scary to raise a confident, caring woman too!

1 comment:

Joye said...

Yay! What great news! Congratulations again, little boys are so nice. I wonder what Gold will think about having a little brother! Very cool. Thanks for sharing (even though your mom called me yesterday!!).