Tuesday, August 15, 2006

drowning in a sea of boxes

I am so behind on posting pictures! I never did Mahna's first haircut and so much has even happened since then. I would like to post the sonogram pic from yesterday, but whenever I have a free moment. My mommy dearest was kind enough to watch my little sweetie pie today so I could pack like a mad woman. I have packed 15 boxes in 2 1/2 hours! My back is killing me. I accomplished getting Jarrod and my closet cleaned out which makes me feel a little closer to the destination. I boxed up a bunch of groovacious clothes and shoes for my friend Cynde, three bags (so far) for donating, 2 bags of trash. I am so tempted to just throw out all of Mahna's toys and let her start over at the new house. Her bday will be a couple weeks from move in so she would have new stuff and a fairly clean room. Of course I probably won't really do that, heaven forbid I toss a memorable item. My house is a disaster. We are in about 800 square feet right now and there are about 25 boxes stacked in the main room (kitchen). I am sitting in the middle of it on my laptop on the kitchen table which is piled with misc. papers and cleaning supplies and things like a huge glass bowl that I am not sure how to pack. My back is really killin gme, did I already mention that? I am doing a new cleaning job tomorrow, and I am sure I will be popping tylenol the second I wake up tomorrow just to make it through and make my $75. This house has a floor that has to be washed by hand. That sounds hiorrd........ But truthfully I am thinking of advertising in the coffee news (www.txcoffeenews.com) just to get another job or two. I want to work as much as I can before "Cole" is born. Wow it seems too wierd not to just call it 'the baby' anymore. Just last week I was worried because I couldn't think of a girls name that I really liked. I guess there was a reason for that! This pregnancy is really going by fast. I am almost 20 weeks, so over 1/2 way there really. I already have gained 18 pounds (dear Lord!) so I pray that that will only double and not any more than that. I am a heffer for sure. Oh well! Well I better get back to work. Jarrod will be off work in less than an hour. TOODLES!

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