Sunday, January 25, 2004


If you haven't heard of it, I have been checking out this website my lovely auntie Lynne told me about called It is all about small steps toward a more organized and clean home. It has some excellent ideas on it, for sure. The #1 thing is to always keep your kitchen sink clean. Ok, well I haven't mastered that yet, but it is worth checking out.

As for pregnancy, well I am tired, and have indegestion (sp?) and my back hurts, but not too bad. Geez and that is at only 2 1/2 months. I have not gone to the DR. yet, but there is plenty o' time for that. I registered at Babies R Us and Target a couple nights ago cuz my sis in Law Tivany came over and we were dying to look at baby stuff. I can't believe how much baby stuff there is. I would like to hear advice from real parents about what I ACTUALLY need, though, because Babies R Us made me feel like I needed one of everything! haha

Well Thanks to anyone who is reading my blog still after SO many days of no writing. Love ya all!

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