Monday, June 26, 2006

can't a girl get a shroom burger?

Ok I went to Wendy's, Whattaburger and Sonic. NO mushroom swiss burger to be found. No mushrooms even offered!!!!!!! What is this world coming to when a pregnant girl's craving can't be quenched? I know, I know, I can go to CHILI's and get a super tasty one but who wants to go IN somewhere? I want drive thru anonymity. God knows anyone who sees me would say she does NOT need to be eating a burger. :)

Countdown to vacation time and I am bizy as heck this week. Lots of work to be done. Money to be made for spending next week in Colorado on very overpriced items. I am determined to get a massage on vacation this year!

We went to the waterpark today, and this time a couple of my friends came with their kids. It was mucho funno and I could have stayed for hours longer. Maybe someday we will stay til they close at 8 and really get our two dollars worth! Mahna has been sleeping over two hours now (she didn't get a nap earlier) so I wonder if she is just out for the night. It's only 7 pm so maybe I should go to bed too? Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Can't think of any more things to say. Maybe I should answer that survey after all.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Caroline, Chili's now has a "call ahead" feature where you call and place a "to go" order. They then ask you what car you drive and take your name. You park in special spaces by the door and when you drive up they bring it out and take your cash. You get your shrooms and your anonymity!