Sunday, July 29, 2007


Didya look at my pics on my last post?
Okay, I finally changed Anna's link, so it is correct and you can get to hers from mine. I also added Franky's, as promised.

Today is "church day". I look forward to it, and getting something out of it to make me do better what I should this week. I let Mahna sit with me in 'big church' once, a few weeks ago. Since then I have to convince her to go to Sunday School. She was pretty good the time I took her in with me, but I really need to focus on what I am hearing and not focus on keeping her quiet/off other people's nerves. Last week the pastor said something that I appreciated and stuck out. He said that if we had an idea of something the church needs, a group or association or something (children's choir, prison outreach, etc. whatevah) that we should see that as God calling us to add that ourselves. As opposed to us going to him saying "this church would be better if it had 'this'. The message I get is 'this is your church', not my church that you come to.

Ok so I really should be getting myself and the kiddos ready instead of playing online!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

hey Caroline, I think your pastor makes a good point. The church does not belong to the staff and clergy -- it belongs to those gathered there, might as well take ownership! I am glad you have found a home for your family.