Tuesday, November 21, 2006

it always works out that way

Yesterday I was thrilled to wake up for the first time in 4 days to a bed that Mahna's diaper had NOT leaked pee on. I literally washed sheets and matress pad and remade the bed 4 days in a row. My dear friend CinCin knows how much I LOVE to change sheets. HAHA. Of course I wake up all happy and then 5 minutes later Penny (dog) pukes on the bed. STUPID DOG!!!!! (If I was kind and not a grumpy pregnant heffer I would be worrying about why poor Penny was sick at that moment).

Last night I finally slept HARD, for longer than four hours. BUT of course my dear sweet sleep like a rock thru the night daughter woke up crying at 4:30 am and was REallY upset. It took me about 10 minutes of trying to comfort her to figure out she just wanted to go potty in the potty chair instead of in her diaper. After that she was fine. But it just figures. LOL Then on top of that I was watching my nieces today so they got here at 8:15 and I WAS STILL SOUND ASLEEP! I had to get up and I have enjoyed them so I am not complaining, it just figures, when I physically CAN sleep, I responsibly CAN NOT.

Not that my dadeo reads my blog but I would like to say thanks to him and my ma for getting me a wireless keyboard to hook up to my laptop so I can type again!!!!!!!!! Yippeeee

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