Saturday, October 01, 2005


Yea, I guess it was pretty ironic to say I am squeezing in blogging between housechores when I am doing the "frazzled female" study. Funny I didn't see it that way when I wrote it! I actually think the goofy thing is that I felt the need to BLOG. but this is my connection to some people, and I enjoy keeping this semi-journal of thoughts or events. It may be fun for Mahna to read someday, my thoughts and daily routines while she was just a tiny tike.

Jarrod mentioned "baby #2" tonight. haven't heard that one in a while. I told him before if we want them 2 yrs apart I would be getting pregnant around December.......... Now I don't know. I can't really imagine my stress level with having two. I also don't know if I could clean houses having two kids. I mean, maybe Mahna could go to work with daddy and the baby could go to gma or my moms........... But everything is working out so well right now and I just love my time with Mahna. I hate to take attention away from her with a new demanding needy baby. She is my little princess! how could I downgrade that??? (do I sound like I am asking for convincing?)

So anyway I am really really enjoying a couple hours of quietness now. I was with Mahna and my two neices (age 6 and 9) for 12 hours straight today. We had a blast, and I got frustrated here and there, but it was a good good day. I just can't believe NOW that it is 11 something at night how peacefully Mahna is sleeping (worn out!) and how much I am just truly enjoying silence. I have the TV muted. I enjoyed an hour long phone call with my sister, I FINALLY did my sinkfull of dishes, my kitchen is clean, the house clutter free (mostly) and I have been reading posts in chat rooms or whatever they are called on babycenter. com about weaning and extended breastfeeding. I never have time to do more than email quickly, short blog or check the bank account. So it was cool to read some comments from strangers about what they are going thru with their kids the same age as Mahna....

I think I might crash now.......... night night


Brent said...

Instead of looking at it as "taking attention away from your little princess," maybe it might help if you thought of the joy Mahna brings to you and then doubling that. Also, think of how much fun it'll be for Mahna to have a sibling and let her enjoy that reality...

...not that I'd ever tell anyone to base such an important decision on those factors, but I can say that having two (two years apart) was, and is, such an incredible joy.

Anonymous said...

hmm... thats hard... i dunno... in some ways that would be kewl to be only two years apart from ur sister, but then again it seems like it might be better to wait until mahna can kind of depend on herself more... follow ur nose just like toucan sam (fruit loops) says to... haha luv u mucho anna