Thursday, September 15, 2005


I would like to pass on some lovely information about two new products I recently discovered. It is quite possible the rest of the world already knows about them, but I am passing them on nonetheless.

#1 is Johnson and Johnson Baby Vapor bath
This is basically vicks bubble bath. It is so awesome!!! What could be better than soaking in a warm bath with vicks bubbles when you have a cold or stuffy nose???? I have been using it for mahna for a few days, but I think it is just as awesome for adults. Available at Walmart for like $3.50. I would like to thank JANA for always knowing the latest baby gizmos and passing on the info to me!

#2 Wood Oil
I am not going to reccommend any certain brand of this but I bought the cheapest one for about $2.50 (at Walmart of course). I got the one with lemon oil. It advertises to be used on wood, so I polished up my piano with it, which is pitiful looking all scratched up and has rings from people's glasses being set on it. Well it sure does look a HECK of a lot better now! I can't believe how much "oiling it up" did for it's appearance! So now I am obsessed with OILING PEOPLE'S WOOD. Yes, every house that I clean I am scoping out a piece of furniture that is oilable. By the way I did it just like dusting, just a little oil on a cloth scrub a dub! AND as an added bonus the oil also takes soap scum right off shower doors and handles! I have been looking forever to find something to do that, and who would have thought lemon oil would be the thing???

That is all for now my 30 second commercial.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

no one cared about my commercial???