Sunday, April 10, 2005


Today I actually made it to church. I am sorry to say I really got nothing out of it. I enjoyed the singing but came away with no deep thoughts. I wonder if I should have just stayed home and read more of "messy spirituality" my new favorite book.

We spent the day w/ jarrods grandparents and it was magical. I saw a rainbow that was vivid and purdy purdy purdy.

Jarrod starts a new job tomorrow. I hope that he will be relaxed and confident and do a good job. Mostly I hope that this new company his uncle signed him into is going to be successful.

Casey should be out in a couple weeks. I wonder how things will be for him. For us. Hmmm. I wonder how much longer until we get a house of our own. I am anxious.


Brent said...

Hey! You're reading "Messy Spirituality?!" You won't regret it, and Mike Yaconelli is my hero!

Kendra said...

i'd like to read that book, too.

so what's jarrod's new job like? that's exciting news!

oh, and sorry i didn't call earlier, i talked to mom though, she's got Steph's digits now.

Steph said...

THANKS SO MUCH!! i got my pjs yesterday. i love them! :) you're so thoughtful. i'm glad i have a mommy like you to look up to. love love.