Monday, February 11, 2008


Anyone remember that Baz Luhrman "song" that came out like 10 or less yrs ago. "Wear Sunscreen". They seem to replay it around graduation time but I heard it today. It is cool to hear like once a year because different parts of it strike me in a different way. This time when I heard it, I noticed the part that says "don't depend on anyone to support you, you may have a trust fund, you may have a wealthy spouse, but you never know when either one will run out".

Another good part of it is "Get to know your parents, you never know when they will be gone for good"

If you are more interested or don't know what "song" i am talking about, google "Wear Sunscreen"

and if you assume you know why certain parts strike w/ me, you may be wrong, if you want to know, email me. i just don't feel comfortable enough using blogger as a diary anymore.


Kendra said...

ooh...i would like to hear "wear sunscreen" again soon. it brings back memories of 1999 and driving around UTAH! in your Mustang.

PS another random memory came to mind today....remember when you had a cat named "black death" - ? yeah, i was thinking about that cat today....random.

Blondee said...

After wondering what in the world you were talking about, I finally LISTENED to that song: WOW! It was really powerful! Thanks for sharing.