Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Y iz it?

Why is it my ex, whom I have not seen in approx. 5 yrs showed up at my doorstep when I am very chubbily pregnant and had no makeup on?

Okay, well Gold's biological "father" showed up Monday, asking to see pictures of Gold. This is the FIRST time in 6 years he has asked to see a picture. I was really nice to him when he came over. In fact, I began to feel quite sorry for him, as he told me about his sad marriage to his "devil wife" as he called her. I was nice, I even felt sorry for him. Tuesday, when he left a message on the answering machine asking if Jarrod wanted to go have a beer, part of me thought "what could it hurt?". Today... the rage kicked in. How dare he show up at my door? He lied to me, cheated on me, made me look like a fool, and then abandoned me and denied his own child. I guess I am just mad today. I just think, why bother with him? why feel sorry? Why have I been waiting for 6 years for him to ask for a picture? I even offered to let him keep some pictures, which he declined because "suzen won't let him". I now think that is a lie, too, and he probably convinced her that Gold is not his kid. Whatever. I do not care. I am so thankful for my life now. Now that I see what I "could have had". I could have been with some jerk who is never happy with what he has and is always looking for something else. Screw that. I am so glad of who I am with and how my life is now. It has taken forever to get here, and if he thought he could walk in and change anything he was sadly mistaken. BAH

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