Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Well it is March. To me this means that there is about one month left until Jarrod's brother gets out of jail. This means we are getting to the end of living on Poydras street. Soon we will be househunting. I am so anxious to get a place of our own that we actually OWN. I am not anxious for all the paperwork, talking to loan officers or whatever it takes to get a house. As you can see I really have no clue and therefor am afraid of the unknown. Since Jarrod is a courier whose income is sort of strange because taxes are not taken out but mileage is deducted at the end of the year on our tax form, on one piece of paper it looks like he makes money. On another piece it looks like he doesn't. It is more complicated than the average American qualifying for a loan. We want to stay in the area but not the ghetto, so who knows. I just pray that it all works out and doesn't cause too much tension.

Mahna is six months old now! I can't believe a half year has gone by. I want to cry, but I am having too much fun with her. Her new fave game is throwing things on the floor. My mom informed me I won't think this is so "CUTE" for very much longer. It is all part of her figuring things out though! Gotta go, she is beckoning me. ADIOS!


Brent said...

You know what's really scary? Six months does fly by...

...but one day you'll wake up and your children will be 13 and 11 and you'll still remember the day they took their first steps like it was YESTERDAY.

Ugh. I know I'm sounding like my Mom, but it's freaking true.

Kendra said...

i remember when Scooter's hair was so short he looked like a big rat. I remember THAT like it was just yesterday, now he's looking rather rastafarian.

thanks for blogging again!

Steph said...

caroline -- we just bought a house. we certainly didn't retain all the knowledge necessary to give you excellent advice, but we know more than we did when we started. it was relatively painless and if we can qualify, ANYONE can qualify. :) call me sometime if you wanna talk about it!