Sunday, December 05, 2004

hold me now......... warm my heart...... stay with me...

I am over the initial shock of giving up work life and money. Well maybe not totally over the money but I have had a marvelous weekend with Mahna. Her pediatrician advised me to quit drinking milk, eating cheese and eggs to see if that might help her not be so cranky. So i have given up my favorite food CHEESE! But I can tell a difference in her after just two days. She is breathing better and her face is not so flaky anymore. Last night I held her while she slept for about 2 hours and again tonight for about an hour before putting her in her bed. I also held her during her nap today and I am probably spoiling her but I just enjoy it so much and so does she. I considered going to church today and it seemed like too much trouble. I hate to say that because I really enjoy hearing what the preacher has to say and getting my thoughts going. But I am not ready to leave Mahna in the hands of strangers or taking her to church with me makes it hard to concentrate. Blah blah blah. I talked to my sistah on the phone today which was cool since we so rarely do talk on the phone. She is such a cool person I really admire her. I also like it that she always asks me if I am "writing" but doesn't get frustrated when I always seem to answer "no". :) I know how important it is to write and my main excuse for not doing it is that someone might read the insanity and confusion I would put onto paper and know what I am really like inside.


Kendra said...

hi caroline. i'm glad that you're so fond of me! i actually felt like a cheese monkey after asking you if you write. sometimes i think i like to talk about writing and certain books because those are things I like so much. It's probably my egocentric side that thinks everyone should be like me. it was great talking to you. i think you are such a strong person with a lot of kindness and patience...especially for some of our goofy relatives! (who shall remain nameless...)

Caroline said...

screw him~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha well i am only strong because I HAVE to be. It wouldn't be my first choice of things to be. I just have to survive I guess. pitiful.

Steph said...

Giving up cheese is a HUGE deal. I'm impressed. :) Don't worry about the mula. Mahna will never remember that she had store-brand toilet paper wiping her butt; she'll remember how much fun she had with you growing up.