Thursday, September 09, 2004

And I Fear........

One of the bestest Sarah Mclachlan songs ever is "FEAR". Just thought I would say that. I am thinking of my fears today. I am here tonight, momentarily, to journal my fears.

I am afraid for a mosquito to bite my baby. I am afraid to fall asleep feeding her and drop her. I am scared to go back to cleaning houses and still be breastfeeding. I am scared my husband might get cancer someday and die slowly like my Grampa Tom is now. I am scared for time to go by too quickly and Mahna to be grown up too fast. I am scared for my brother to go to jail. I am scared for someone I won't mention by name and their blind addiction. I am afraid for my friend who seems to always be unhappy. I fear for changes in relationships and things that are unknown. I am scared I may never want to finish college now that I have my beautiful Mahna.

The end... or all I could think of for now.


Brent said...

Soulful blog...that's why you're one of my "bloggers I dig."

Justin and Michelle said...

I totally agree...awesome song! Fear is an amazing emotion! It causes us to do the weirdest instead of being glad when Kayleigh has slept throught the night, I run to her room to check and make sure she's okay. I really wish all the books wouldn't talk about SIDS so much...makes this new mom paranoid! Anyways! I love reading your are so real and I admire that!