Thursday, September 23, 2004

6 days later

Okay, i have to get back in the blog saddle again! At least I made it less than a week. :) So did anyone see the news flash last night about the "danger of blogs and teens"? It was a good point they made. The news station was not knocking journals, just letting parents/ kids know that things written on the web can be permanent and u never know when someone might look up your blog 20 years down the road and hold your opinions and thoughts against you. I think the point they were trying to make was that if you became famous or a political or religious leader, you may not hold the same opinions as an adult as you did as a teen, so dont make them permanent on the internet.

Of course I have to give a little Mahna update. She has been sorda fussy lately so when she had her newborn well check today I asked the DR what to do to help her be happier and more comfortable. Apparently babies need a good balance of quiet alone time, and stimulation. So too much holding, passing around, TV, music, noises........ all day long lead to a tired grumpy nighttime baby. So right now I am letting her sit still in her room to get happy for her daddy who won't be home til 8 tonight, cuz he is out makin extra $$$. The DR also said that she is totally healthy and is growing wonderfully! That makes me very happy. I knew she looked chubbier but it is good to hear a DR say she is proud of me for how well I am doing with breastfeeding. Some people may not know how challenging breastfeeding can be at first. I am just glad to be past the first two weeks. I sure love our alone time together. It is a cool thing to know I am making food for her! So wierd!

Okay well that is all for today. Have a good one!


Brent said...

There's no "danger" in blogging, unless you plan to run for some public office, and even then it's not all that hard to say you've grown up, or whatever.

The biggest danger is if the parents find out about a teen's blog and they think the parent's don't know about it and then the secrets are out! :)

Anything written down is permanent, but I think it's understood if you're posting a journal on the Internet, that it's going to be read by others. How is that newsworthy?

Caroline said...

I agree, it isn't that 'newsworthy'. I think the news stations do stories on teenage stuff sometimes so parents can feel like "haha you aren't fooling me, i know all about your little blog!" its so retarted sometimes how adults want to be part of the teenage world. it is meant to be private and untouchable.