It pours. Cole was diagnosed with RSV on Tuesday afternoon, at the emergency room. This is a virus which can be mild to severe and require hospitalization. So far he is on the line. We are going again to the DR this morning to have his oxegyn saturation levels checked to see if he needs hospitalized. Please pray for him.
Our heater went out or locked up yesterday. I am calling our home warranty company and hopefully they can come out TODAY, as the house is freakin cold already. Not to mention there is a sick baby here and supposedly an ice storm coming this weekend.
I am in pain and I just have to get over it and keep moving, remembering there are people who have it much worse than I do and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.....6 weeks from now when I should be all healed.
Happy Thursday. Cole is 2 wks old today! Time's flyin'.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
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maybe there are people who have it worse, but that doesn't minimize YOUR pain and struggles. I am praying for you Caroline. It is also very annoying to not be warm. I hated not being able to take warm showers when our water was messed up.
Oh, Caroline! I am sorry! Kendra is right. You have a legitimate right to complain, but I really admire your strength. Like I said before. If there is ANYTHING you need, you know you can call me. I know you don't like to ask for help, but I WANT you to. I am praying.
Mention that little fact of a baby in a cold house with a cold front on the way to your home warranty company...and kind of insinuate that if it doesn't go very quickly and it causes a minute's grief to your newborn that they'll be picking up the tab for any and all expenses and/or pain/suffering damages.
I bet your heater's fixed by noon today.
I just heard (read) about your little one on the prayer chain. Let me know if there is anything that you need. My # is in the church directory.
I'm so sorry you're all suffering. millions of prayers are rushing in from KC. Love, Lori & Spencer
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