I finally figured out how to "outsmart" my computer so I can blog again! I wonder if any one even reads it anymore, haha.
So far this has been one of the best weekends I have had in a long time, and it is only Saturday evening!
Thursday Jana called to say she was coming in town. I have not seen her in so long and she has a 6 wk old baby who I hadn't seen and she hadn't seen Mahna, who is almost 6 months old already! So the plan was for Jarrod and I to go stay at their hotel room Fri night. Then Jarrod gets a call to WORK Sat. morning from 3:30 a.m. til noon for a chunk of change. Dilemma! Do we cancel on our friends or do we lose out on a chance to make $$$? See, I usually go with him on these long drive odd jobs. So we are trying to figure out what to do and Jarrod says well how about if you go see Jana and I will do the route myself. I saw this as very unselfish of him. I must say I had such a great time. I cant even remember the last time I got to hang out with a girl-friend and talk all night. We stayed up til 4:30 am watching movies and talktalktalking. It was a good time. I felt so comfortable with her, her huz and their kiddos and of course Mahna was with me and she was very entertained by my 3 yr old goddaughter Bri. Then they brought me home about the same time Jarrod got home from his route and Jarrod told me to go get whatever I wanted to eat, so I got Wingstop which is super yummy and then Mahna and I come home and take a nap with Jarrod and the kitties... I will say one thing about motherhood. WHen you get a chance to get out and about and have some fun, it is just that much more fun because it is not a regular even to be taken for granted. Today I am thankful for each happy moment I do not deserve.
Q 6 is "if you were a historical figure who would it be?"
I would be Ester......... whew what a job!
Q 7 "if you were a book what would you be?"
hmmmmmm that one I will think about
adios and thanks for reading... comment???
Saturday, February 26, 2005
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Glad you're back blogging!
that sounds mucho fun!!! i remember when we use to hang out until early in the morning... *tear* haha we need to hang out again soon!!!
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