Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I am depresed. Jarrod did not get "the job". They are supposedly using someone within the company to fill the position now. That is after two weeks of stringing us along and interviewing him four times! I am sort of mad at a lot of people. Why not list them out? Jarrod's uncle and boss would not give him a half day off to try the job out like they wanted him to. So it is his fault partly in my opinion. Or it is probably just not meant to be but I am bummed out about it nonetheless. Then I am at my mom's house all day and I am helping Franky make phone calls about court etc. He skipped his possession of marijuana court date so we were trying to find out what he should do now. Well he HAS to go to jail. There is no way around it. So I am sad for him and worried about him and irritated he didn't listen to my parents earlier and do something about it. Then Jarrod's dad wants us to co-sign on an electric bill. We said no which got Jarrod a huge guilt trip. I just don't understand how someone can ask their CHILD for money. We would be reliable for a full year if we cosigned. And Jarrod's dad was so NOT understanding when Jarrod said no. And it wasn't just NO, it was after a few days of agonizing over it. We just have to watch out for ourself sometimes. Ugh.... Also I went to the DR yesterday and my blood pressure was up some and I am swollen, but not too bad. So they hooked me up w/ machines to monitor the baby and took my blood which the nurse sucked at taking blood and I almost passed out. Anyway I didn't get to find out the results yet but I am just moody and depressed. I am probably fine. I only have two weeks (from today) til the C Section anyway. I am just disappointed about the job mostly. I was so hoping that we could have insurance and Jarrod could have an opportunity to move forward. I know I have to trust God and remember that he has his reasons for everything. Today just sucks!!!


cincin21 said...

Can you guys meet us for dinner somewhere tonight? What would you like ... Mexican, maybe? Or BJ's?? Sounds like you need a big hug and a loving ear ... and Tom and I have a few of those!! Email me!

Brent said...

Hang in there, Fair Caroline. Find some really good music to either wallow in or eliminate the crappy day. Suggestions for wallowing: Evanescence or The Cure. Suggestions for elimination: Tom Petty or The Grateful Dead.