Tuesday, April 13, 2004

end of semester

Craziness is starting to set in now that the semester is coming to an end. I wonder, will this be my "LAST" semester? I hope and think not. But it is hard to say what life with baby will be like. I am pretty good at juggling a million things but with another human being on my hip? we shall see.

Sarah...... i am sorry i will miss you when u go to utah. I hope u and kendra get to hang out tho and have fun.
Stephy... I do wear a mask sometimes and am always in well ventilated areas. I always wear gloves, though. I do hope u will come to my shower. I don't know when it will be or anything but I would love to have u there! Give me your addy so I can send u an invite.

I have already noticed the way people treat you differently when you are CHUB_A_LUBish but inside i kind of am laughing cuz it is sort of fun and funny sometimes to be chubbier and know that people are looking at me sideways or maybe I am just paranoid. Either way its funny to me because I feel like I know who I am underneath. And for the first time in my life I am starting to think, it is NOT all about how you look. I mean, sure mostly that is what ppl care about, but you know, my husband treats me like a princess and my family and neighbors still talk to me so ya know...

Sad night last night....... Our AIDS kitty died. We knew it would happen someday, but it was still shocking and really sad to say good bye to her. Jarrod is a big time animal lover and was so broken hearted. He was so determined that that cat was going to live and didn't really have Aids....She did live 6 mo. longer than the vet estimated, so I guess that is good. At least she had a home and did not have to be put to sleep and was not miserable when she died. She also didn't spread the disease to more cats before she died. So those are good things... But it was still oh so sad..... I cant even explain how heartbreaking it was, but most of you probably know. The one major thing I dislike about getting older is death. I don't think there is a sadder pain than dealing with death... At least not now.

Okay well goodnight and thanks for reading

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