When Mahna pees her pants KNOWING she is not suppose to she will say "Mommy, you so happy?" and I instantly know what she has done. So far, telling her that it makes me sad when she pottys in her pants doesn't really seem to affect her. But I think it is so cute how she says "you so happy?"
I got a haircut and I don't really like it but it was sort of drastic, I got bangs, so I am hoping I need to just play with it and get use to it. I guess probably the whole big picture is that I don't like how I look and thought getting a haircut would fix that somehow. Oh well, I don't
really care.
Cole got his 2 mo. check up today and he is in the 90th percentile for weight. He weighs 13 lb 3 oz and I am sooooooo happy for that. He is getting to be such a cuteums, playing with his fists in his mouth and having little cooing conversations with me.
I've been gettin little things here and there decorating our house the last week or so and it is fun making the house more homey. Just a lampshade here and a picture there really makes all the difference. I found these groovy 2 foot tall red candle holders the other day on sale and brought them home to try out. I put them on top of our tv but um they were like wayyyy too tall and when Jarrod came home he said they made him want to shoot them off with a BB gun. So those are going back to da store.
I have a friend right now, one I talk to everyday and laugh with. It's fun having a girl friend. It makes me a better mom.
Happy Thursday!!