Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Couldn't think of a title, don't have time to worry about it. Mahna is napping but not for long. i am cramming in two days of bible study in THE FRAZZLED FEMALE which seems so far to be an enlightening study we are doing in MOPS, some emailing which I haven't done in a couple days, a quick blog entry, check the bank account, hopefully vaccuum the living room, clean Mahna's room and finish laundry??? okay it is wishful thinking, but I am going to try! I noticed yesterday that some women who are older and have enormous bosom are the best huggers. I also noticed that men are more picky about their toilet bowl being clean than women because they stare down into it so much! hahahahhahahh Thanks for reading adios
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Mahna stayed in the nursery today! Not just for church but for Sunday School too! I got a page to go to the nursery after church was over and I thought she was being too fussy again, but nope, she was playing on the floor with one of the nursery workers. I think it made a difference that last week at the 6:30 service there were only two teenage girls working. This time there was older women and one woman who was really nice and friendly. I did worry about her here and there but I tried to turn my focus back to what I was there for. And afterward my mom went to the nursery w/ me to pick her up and she just clung to my mom and didn't want me at all so I guess she was mad at me, or maybe just really wanting my mom! :)
Monday, September 19, 2005
blogger envy
I am having a pity party, so indulge me or just stop reading now.
Other people have lots of comments on their blog, every time they write. I sometimes write 3 entries before anyone comments. Maybe it is because I write about things that there is nothing to comment about. Or maybe no one reads my blog. Who ever said being a house wife means that your world gets very small, they were right. I am fighting against this though. I go to MOPS at Lakeland and am damn determined to go to church at Crossroads at least for now, at least to give it a fair chance. Mahna got kicked out of the nursery tonight when I tried to go, because she was crying. So it will be a challenge, no doubt, but I am determined. Not for social reasons, but because I want her to have sunday school and all that on a regular basis. I want to give her some forms of stability, since I myself am a basket case who can't seem to stick with anything long enough to make it matter. I am angry at myself, but I am not punishing myself, I just want to fix the things I do not like. For me, I want to fix them. I want to like who I am and be secure in who I am so I don't have to alter my words thoughts ideas to please someone else. i want to be a rock. How is that for a goal?
I am staying this past friday thru monday at my parents house, "babysitting" anna and franky. It has been quite fun, really. I do miss Jarrod, who is enjoying having a bed all to himself and listening to music loud at all hours of the night like he always did before Mahna was born. I don't think it is horrible to have a few day break once in a while. On the second night I stayed here we talked on the phone for 66 minutes in the middle of the night. That was fun.... it was like old times when I was still in Utah and he was here and we only saw eachother every 2 months. He drove at night then (job) and we would talk all night long, once for four hours....... he had quite an enormous cell phone bill. I think it might have been like $400 once. I had a really huge long distance bill too. Anyways. I guess I knew to marry him because of all those long conversations so far away..... well Mahna is awake. Goodnight.
Other people have lots of comments on their blog, every time they write. I sometimes write 3 entries before anyone comments. Maybe it is because I write about things that there is nothing to comment about. Or maybe no one reads my blog. Who ever said being a house wife means that your world gets very small, they were right. I am fighting against this though. I go to MOPS at Lakeland and am damn determined to go to church at Crossroads at least for now, at least to give it a fair chance. Mahna got kicked out of the nursery tonight when I tried to go, because she was crying. So it will be a challenge, no doubt, but I am determined. Not for social reasons, but because I want her to have sunday school and all that on a regular basis. I want to give her some forms of stability, since I myself am a basket case who can't seem to stick with anything long enough to make it matter. I am angry at myself, but I am not punishing myself, I just want to fix the things I do not like. For me, I want to fix them. I want to like who I am and be secure in who I am so I don't have to alter my words thoughts ideas to please someone else. i want to be a rock. How is that for a goal?
I am staying this past friday thru monday at my parents house, "babysitting" anna and franky. It has been quite fun, really. I do miss Jarrod, who is enjoying having a bed all to himself and listening to music loud at all hours of the night like he always did before Mahna was born. I don't think it is horrible to have a few day break once in a while. On the second night I stayed here we talked on the phone for 66 minutes in the middle of the night. That was fun.... it was like old times when I was still in Utah and he was here and we only saw eachother every 2 months. He drove at night then (job) and we would talk all night long, once for four hours....... he had quite an enormous cell phone bill. I think it might have been like $400 once. I had a really huge long distance bill too. Anyways. I guess I knew to marry him because of all those long conversations so far away..... well Mahna is awake. Goodnight.
Friday, September 16, 2005
`Costume time is coming! I am sooooooo excited cuz Nikki told me about this awesome website that has every costume you can think of and they have tons of BABY costumes so yippee!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to share the website so everyone can get their costumes early enough!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I would like to pass on some lovely information about two new products I recently discovered. It is quite possible the rest of the world already knows about them, but I am passing them on nonetheless.
#1 is Johnson and Johnson Baby Vapor bath
This is basically vicks bubble bath. It is so awesome!!! What could be better than soaking in a warm bath with vicks bubbles when you have a cold or stuffy nose???? I have been using it for mahna for a few days, but I think it is just as awesome for adults. Available at Walmart for like $3.50. I would like to thank JANA for always knowing the latest baby gizmos and passing on the info to me!
#2 Wood Oil
I am not going to reccommend any certain brand of this but I bought the cheapest one for about $2.50 (at Walmart of course). I got the one with lemon oil. It advertises to be used on wood, so I polished up my piano with it, which is pitiful looking all scratched up and has rings from people's glasses being set on it. Well it sure does look a HECK of a lot better now! I can't believe how much "oiling it up" did for it's appearance! So now I am obsessed with OILING PEOPLE'S WOOD. Yes, every house that I clean I am scoping out a piece of furniture that is oilable. By the way I did it just like dusting, just a little oil on a cloth scrub a dub! AND as an added bonus the oil also takes soap scum right off shower doors and handles! I have been looking forever to find something to do that, and who would have thought lemon oil would be the thing???
That is all for now my 30 second commercial.
#1 is Johnson and Johnson Baby Vapor bath
This is basically vicks bubble bath. It is so awesome!!! What could be better than soaking in a warm bath with vicks bubbles when you have a cold or stuffy nose???? I have been using it for mahna for a few days, but I think it is just as awesome for adults. Available at Walmart for like $3.50. I would like to thank JANA for always knowing the latest baby gizmos and passing on the info to me!
#2 Wood Oil
I am not going to reccommend any certain brand of this but I bought the cheapest one for about $2.50 (at Walmart of course). I got the one with lemon oil. It advertises to be used on wood, so I polished up my piano with it, which is pitiful looking all scratched up and has rings from people's glasses being set on it. Well it sure does look a HECK of a lot better now! I can't believe how much "oiling it up" did for it's appearance! So now I am obsessed with OILING PEOPLE'S WOOD. Yes, every house that I clean I am scoping out a piece of furniture that is oilable. By the way I did it just like dusting, just a little oil on a cloth scrub a dub! AND as an added bonus the oil also takes soap scum right off shower doors and handles! I have been looking forever to find something to do that, and who would have thought lemon oil would be the thing???
That is all for now my 30 second commercial.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
another weekend gone
It is 11 at night and I just now realized today was the four year anniversary of nine eleven. I wonder if it was not on the news or if i just wasn't watching the news???
I have been trying for over a week now to print and send pictures to a few people whom I think might care to have printed pictures from Mahna's first birthday. I am very tired...... Mahna was up like every HOUR last night. I tried holding her and laying her on my chest to sleep, which she really liked but I couldn't sleep then and I would move around too much for her to stay asleep very long. I think I was awake from 3-5 a.m. straight, just thinking and struggling to keep her and I both comfy. She has a bad cough and stuffy nose. So I finally got her to sleep next to me later like around 9 this morning or something and she slept til about 12:30. Jarrod always sleeps in on the weekends, so he was very suprised we were still in bed with him when he woke up.
I spent the afternoon at the in-laws playing with Tina and Katherine (my nieces) which was fun, then we went to wally world to get a humidifier for MaHna and look at halloween costumes and decorations for an hour or so. So far I haven't found a costume small enough for my poopkins. I think I need to check out Once Upon A Child before they get too picked over.
Yesterday we went to a party at CinCin's and it was really fun!!!!! All us women folk hung out outside talking about babies and stuff like hair products etc. The men stayed inside watching the Longhorns WIN. There was some yummy food and I got to drink Smirnoff Ice.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I didn't go to church. I figured they wouldn't let Mahna in the nursery with a cough like she has. maybe next weekend........... Hopefully she will be feeling much better by then!
So there ya go......... another weekend gone.
I have been trying for over a week now to print and send pictures to a few people whom I think might care to have printed pictures from Mahna's first birthday. I am very tired...... Mahna was up like every HOUR last night. I tried holding her and laying her on my chest to sleep, which she really liked but I couldn't sleep then and I would move around too much for her to stay asleep very long. I think I was awake from 3-5 a.m. straight, just thinking and struggling to keep her and I both comfy. She has a bad cough and stuffy nose. So I finally got her to sleep next to me later like around 9 this morning or something and she slept til about 12:30. Jarrod always sleeps in on the weekends, so he was very suprised we were still in bed with him when he woke up.
I spent the afternoon at the in-laws playing with Tina and Katherine (my nieces) which was fun, then we went to wally world to get a humidifier for MaHna and look at halloween costumes and decorations for an hour or so. So far I haven't found a costume small enough for my poopkins. I think I need to check out Once Upon A Child before they get too picked over.
Yesterday we went to a party at CinCin's and it was really fun!!!!! All us women folk hung out outside talking about babies and stuff like hair products etc. The men stayed inside watching the Longhorns WIN. There was some yummy food and I got to drink Smirnoff Ice.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I didn't go to church. I figured they wouldn't let Mahna in the nursery with a cough like she has. maybe next weekend........... Hopefully she will be feeling much better by then!
So there ya go......... another weekend gone.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Do I talk about Mahna too much?
I notice that every post is about her. Maybe I should find other things to discuss also? But while we are on the subject of her (haha) she is very grumpy the last two days. She seems to be throwing fits about everything. She no longer has a fever, but I know she is still teething, she hates ORAJEL (the numbing teething stuff) and has changed from my sweet baby who would always take her medicine easily, into a baby who spits it all over me when I give her tylenol. I got to quite a point of frustration being home with her all day yesterday. We did go to the lake for a little while with Jarrod during his lunch break, but then the rest of the afternoon just seemed to go on and on and on and the house seemed so small. It was like we ran out of things to do or play with and she was cranky so I just felt like I couldn't make her happy. She got two naps so I dont' think she was tired, ugh... it sucks just not knowing what to do. My mom watched her about 6 hours today while I cleaned and ironed for a customer. I have never ironed so much in my life and my back is KILLING ME!!! But I am glad to have money for groceries etc now. I felt bad that Mahna was so grumpy for my mom today, but I am glad my mom is so sweet about it and loves her so much. Mahna also hasn't been sleeping very well. I still have not put her in her crib, and at bedtime I never want to, but in the middle of the night I sure wish I would have. But then when she starts sleeping in her crib won't she still wake up every few hours in pain because of her teeth or wanting to nurse? Where is my instruction manual???
On other kiddo news....... Gold turned SEVEN years old today! My gosh! And in celebration of his birthday I would like to thank a few people. My parents, Kendra, Franky and Anna for being so supportive and not manipulative or selfish about his adoption, then and now. Lynne and Kelly for really taking on the role of parenting and giving it 100% of themselves for him. Brent for being there to help me break the news to my parents that I was pregnant at 18 years old, I will never forget you for that. My friends who care to ask about him and who stay positive for my mental sake. You all rock!
Gold will be celebrating with a open house party and took popsicles to school today. I asked him what his favorite part about his birthday was and he said THE PARTY! Which I thought was very cool that he didn't say THE PRESENTS! :) He is a smart amazing kid and I am truly glad I gave birth to him seven years ago today.
On other kiddo news....... Gold turned SEVEN years old today! My gosh! And in celebration of his birthday I would like to thank a few people. My parents, Kendra, Franky and Anna for being so supportive and not manipulative or selfish about his adoption, then and now. Lynne and Kelly for really taking on the role of parenting and giving it 100% of themselves for him. Brent for being there to help me break the news to my parents that I was pregnant at 18 years old, I will never forget you for that. My friends who care to ask about him and who stay positive for my mental sake. You all rock!
Gold will be celebrating with a open house party and took popsicles to school today. I asked him what his favorite part about his birthday was and he said THE PARTY! Which I thought was very cool that he didn't say THE PRESENTS! :) He is a smart amazing kid and I am truly glad I gave birth to him seven years ago today.
Monday, September 05, 2005
not too shabby
Well the weekend wasn't HORRIBLE like I thought it would be. I went to the DR and he gave me free medicine, so that was kewl. I made it home in time (from the DR) to put Mahna in the stroller and walk up the street for the "Western Days Parade". I figured we would stay a few minutes and walk back home, but she really loved it! We made it just in time for the beginning and it took about 30 min. to pass by. She loved the girls twirling flags, the marching band, and the horses. She got to eat a sucker which she smeared all over her face and enjoyed thoroughly. It made me look forward to the future and all the things we can do while she is a kiddo. I see how having a kid can give you a good excuse to do things you might feel silly doing otherwise, even though it would be perfectly fine to go to a local parade just because. The rest of the weekend Mahna has been pretty pitiful. She has a fever from teething, diaper issues from her antibiotic and just kind of limpness from fever and pain medicine and lack of sleep. I have spaceyness from medicine, lack of sleep and too much FOOD. How does that fit in? Well we had dinner at my parents' house after swimming. Yummy stuff and fun to see everyone loving Mahna so much. It seemed like the first time she forgot about feel crappy today while she was in the pool...................................................... ENUF FOR NOW>>>>ADIOS
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Chancy Choice and depression




But back to my meaning less problems. I am depressed for myself on top of Louisiana, because we had planned to go to Austin to celebrateKendra's bday tomorrow and then go to San Antonio to visit Jana Sun and Monday. Well I can't go now!!!!!!!!!! It is my own choice, but I am trying to be responsible. I caught a cold/sinus infection this past weekend and it is getting worse. I am going to the DR tomorrow but even getting medicine tomorrow isn't enough to ensure I wouldn't be contagious to Jana and her family. She has two little kiddos who I would feel so horrible for getting sick. I guess I am a wierdo because no one else seems to understand why I don't want to spread my germs around to healthy people. Maybe my conscious is out of control! haha. Anyway I am really upset because I have been looking forward to this weekend for over a month and now it is ruined. Not to mention I have to go to the DR and spend every penny I made this week to get myself healthy. (no insurance) Oh well........ life goes on, and shame on me for pitying myself when there are people sleeping in mounds of people in convention centers and arenas, with little hope of ever recovering their earthly belongings and some of them mourning lost loved ones. It weighs heavy on your heart, doesn't it?
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