I don't know why but when I sit down to blog it seems like it will take SO long, but if I JUST sat down to blog instead of reading emails and looking at my bank account it would probably take the same amount of time. I think of things to write in my blog all day long sometimes, but they are gone from my memory by the time I sit here.
Jarrod and I went to a hispanic church on Sunday. It was very interesting to say the least. I know that to say "it was interesting" is a very WHITE thing to say. Those people were so LOOSE and free and worshippy. They all take their kids in the service. They all hug and kiss and talk talk talk. Why are white people so stiff? Can I change my family background or must I just find a way to be proud of it? By this I do not mean my "personal family" just being white. ahha. At one point during the TWO hour service (because of baptism) I took Mahna out to change her diaper and give her a snack. At least three people came by in the lobby while we were just sitting there playing, and kissed her! I just love how family oriented and tight these people were. I wish I could go back every week but.......... it is almost an hour away. Maybe I will find another hispanic church closer to home. I figure it is about time to "find" a church I want to stick with since Mahna is almost one year old. I would like for her to go to Sunday school and meet other kiddos and learn bible verses, and the other things that were my foundation as a child. Jarrod doesn't want me to "force' her to go to church when she is a teenager, but heck I don't force him... not like I can force him to do anything. We will see when the time comes. I freely admit that my biggest fault is not having "stick-to-it-iveness". I only stuck with weight watchers 4 months, for instance..... But anyday now I will get back on the bandwagon. And any day now I will make up my mind to go to church every Sunday. Although I do talk to God all the time, so at least I am n ot that far off the map, that is until I go to church and feel like a stranger in a new school.
I am almost done with Memoirs of a Geisha. What an amazing story. If you ever wanted to know what a Geisha girl really is, well it tells you down to the last detail. They are not prostitutes by the way! I think I might dress as one for Halloween. I don't know what I am dressing Mahna as yet. She doesn't really CARE yet so I guess it is still up to me. Last year I was the pumpkin fairy and she was a pumpkin. Someone else came up with that idea and I thought it was purdy cute!
Well Jarrod should be home soon, so I should shower. I cleaned for 6 hours today (at someone else's house) and then went swimming at my mom's house. Mahna is napping. I just ate a piece of leftover frozen pizza. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. No good mail came today. Sniff Sniff. I need more pen pals. So this weekend we are going to Galveston and Mahna will be in the hands of my mom and grandma.... I am nervous to leave her for two days and overnight! I knwo they are very capable but it is still a frightening WHAT IF feeling. Next weekend we celebrate her first birthday!!! The weekend after we are going to Austin and San Antonio to visit Kendra for her big 24th bday and then Jana and her family. Yippee! Plans!
p.s . Mahna's newest word is "OUT" she wants to get OUT of everything even if she really means IN. She is just so proud to be saying a word so clearly!