Friday, January 30, 2004
do bad things really happen in 3's?
I am ever so slightly superstitious and that is why I ask this question. Because last night I wrecked my car. Oh yes, it was my fault. I was following too close I guess in rush hour, this lady slammed her brakes and well my brakes didn't work as well as hers and I smashed into her. My car is mechanically okay, thank the Lord, but the bumper, hood, turn signals and headlights are destroyed. This adds up to a lot of money that I do not have. Not to mention I have to go to school, and I have to go to tutoring and my job is cleaning people's houses. AKA I need a car. N-E ways today my blessed and wonderful giving mommy is driving me all over the place to clean houses. I am quite thankful for her. Next week? Well who knows, but I do trust that God will take care of me, I still feel pretty sad and mad at myself right now though.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I will probably always be an adamant believer that WOMEN NEED OTHER WOMEN FRIENDS. There are so many of us who get so involved in being good wifey, mommy, housekeeper, cook, etc etc etc, we forget or do not make time for friends. This is a neccessity. Tonight I had dinner w/ my friend Jackie who I probably had not seen in almost a year. It was SO great to sit and talk for over 2 hours without worrying about the time or life beyond dinner.... I feel very energized now and more in tune. I am super thankful for tonight!
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
who'd have thought?
I never would have thought that I would be an "outgoing" person. But lately I have been the one to initiate conversations with people in my classes. I notice a lot of people do not talk to each other, and I remember being like that, sort of waiting for someone to talk to me, maybe. I think maybe I was more self absorbed then or more depressed which is sort of the same thing. Or maybe I am just more confident now. I guess that could come with age, considering I am 24 now. Who knows....... just a thought.
Sunday, January 25, 2004
If you haven't heard of it, I have been checking out this website my lovely auntie Lynne told me about called It is all about small steps toward a more organized and clean home. It has some excellent ideas on it, for sure. The #1 thing is to always keep your kitchen sink clean. Ok, well I haven't mastered that yet, but it is worth checking out.
As for pregnancy, well I am tired, and have indegestion (sp?) and my back hurts, but not too bad. Geez and that is at only 2 1/2 months. I have not gone to the DR. yet, but there is plenty o' time for that. I registered at Babies R Us and Target a couple nights ago cuz my sis in Law Tivany came over and we were dying to look at baby stuff. I can't believe how much baby stuff there is. I would like to hear advice from real parents about what I ACTUALLY need, though, because Babies R Us made me feel like I needed one of everything! haha
Well Thanks to anyone who is reading my blog still after SO many days of no writing. Love ya all!
As for pregnancy, well I am tired, and have indegestion (sp?) and my back hurts, but not too bad. Geez and that is at only 2 1/2 months. I have not gone to the DR. yet, but there is plenty o' time for that. I registered at Babies R Us and Target a couple nights ago cuz my sis in Law Tivany came over and we were dying to look at baby stuff. I can't believe how much baby stuff there is. I would like to hear advice from real parents about what I ACTUALLY need, though, because Babies R Us made me feel like I needed one of everything! haha
Well Thanks to anyone who is reading my blog still after SO many days of no writing. Love ya all!
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Okay, yesterday was insanity. I found out I was pregnant at about noon...... told Jarrod, he was excited and freaked out, same as me. He told his dad, I told my dad (by phone) then I went to see my mom and told her and she was super excited, of course! Then I drove to my grandparents to tell them and they were really excited. Plus it was just awesome to go visit them!!!!!!! Then when jarrod got home we told the neighbors and then we went to dinner w/ his grandparents and his mom and told all them and of course they were all happy, THENNNNNNNNNNNN we went out w/ our friends and then our friends came back was SUCH a long night> Crazyness. I have so much going through my mind, and so many things to take care of. My gosh. Well anywayssssssssssss I am still going to skewl, and I will keep cleaning houses until I can't stand the smell or can't take it anymore or the doctor says it is not okay to do it anymore. We shall see. Today is another jam packed day.... school for four hours, then cleaning evelyn's for four hours then back to school for an hour then home. Whew. Well hope u all have a great day. Love ya, Pregnant Caroline
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Well school was not near as bad as i thought it might be. My math teacher is nice and patient, so that is a good thing even though I can tell the class is gonna be HARD! And I bought the wrong edition of the book and am trying to come up with $87 to get the RIGHT one! Darn! Anywayz and my Geology teacher is very funny and kept us all entertained for over an hour and did not make us go to lab yesterday so WOO HOO! I have lots of reading to do yik but oh well. Other than that not much going on. Hope u all have a great day. After I clean Evelyn's today I am planning to clean off my desk and also get a bag of crapola ready to donate somewhere. ADIOS!
Monday, January 12, 2004
i am skeeered
I don't want to go to school tomorrow! I have not been in a "class" forever. Online is much less intimidating. I am excited to be taught by a teacher and not just myself figuring it out, but not only am I going to be IN a classroom w/ peers (well it is comm. college so probably 19 yr olds) but I am taking bizness math and GEOLOGY!!!!!! I hate science and labs! YIK! I am nervous. I have a lot on my mind right now anyway and I can't seem to get it straight in my head that worry is a waste of time....
Saturday, January 10, 2004
another quiz
Ok, I have not had much to say on ol' bloggerooni so how about another quiz
do you have pets and what are their names? Do you know my pets names??????
do you have pets and what are their names? Do you know my pets names??????
Thursday, January 08, 2004
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Blog Voting: What a concept!
Well thanks very much to those who voted on yesterday's blog! I feel much better when I can have the "approval" of others. :)
And in case anyone cares, and I did not tell you, my cousin's senior pictures turned out AWESOME, if I may say so myself. I had SO MUCH FUN taking them, and Franky was an AWESOME stylist and Anna has a great eye!!! We made quite the team. So if you know anyone who wants to get into modeling or wants their pic taken or senior pictures whatever, I will do them for SUPER CHEAP cuz it was SO fun to do. Did I already emphasize the fun thing? :)
Sun night we went to see Lord of the Rings 3. It was GOOD. I know some people are not "into" that kind of thing. Well neither were Jarrod and I til we saw the third one and we are hooked! :) Anyway it was 3 hours but not boring whatsoever! Thank you Dad for the movie tickets for Christmas. We got your money's worth out of them!
Three cheers for Momma Bear for today I taught her about the land of blog. My mom is so sweet and kind and cute. I had a good day with her today.
Well love ya'll and miss most of you, too. Caroline
And in case anyone cares, and I did not tell you, my cousin's senior pictures turned out AWESOME, if I may say so myself. I had SO MUCH FUN taking them, and Franky was an AWESOME stylist and Anna has a great eye!!! We made quite the team. So if you know anyone who wants to get into modeling or wants their pic taken or senior pictures whatever, I will do them for SUPER CHEAP cuz it was SO fun to do. Did I already emphasize the fun thing? :)
Sun night we went to see Lord of the Rings 3. It was GOOD. I know some people are not "into" that kind of thing. Well neither were Jarrod and I til we saw the third one and we are hooked! :) Anyway it was 3 hours but not boring whatsoever! Thank you Dad for the movie tickets for Christmas. We got your money's worth out of them!
Three cheers for Momma Bear for today I taught her about the land of blog. My mom is so sweet and kind and cute. I had a good day with her today.
Well love ya'll and miss most of you, too. Caroline
Monday, January 05, 2004
Poor Jarrod spent 1 1/2 hours in traffic on 121 this morning. That is hellish. I don't know how he can drive for a living. I would have let road rage get the best of me by now. I guess it is good only b/c there is 1. a paychek and 2. no boss hanging over his shoulder. Who knows. Someday he will probably do something else. The good thing about him driving for a living is that he is a really good driver, and when we go on trips he never wants me to drive cuz of course I "suck at it" compared to him. Speaking of road trips we are supposed to be going on vacation in two weeks. We usually do a winter trip and a summer trip. Well for our winter trip we are trying to decide between Colorado to see Gold or Virginia to see Jarrods brother Freddy. ORRRRRRR we might just stay home. I would still be working and going to skewl that week, if we stay here, but Jarrod would not be gone for 12 hours of the day, so we could hang out as soon as I got home. That would be supa cool. So if we don't go out of town I won't be totally disappointed. I mean, I really want to go see Gold, but I hate the long drive and by the time we get there we only get a couple days and it is a two day drive to get there and two days back. I am hoping Kelly, Lynne and Gold will hurry up and move back to Missouri so I can see them more often! But another reason I don't want to go out of town (in a way) is driving in the snow. Also, b/c if we go out of town I will miss both of my classes twice and I will miss out on 3 cleaning jobs. Who knows, I am just thinking out loud here. I also think Jarrod might just enjoy being at home not doing much of anything for a week. Alrighty well hope all of you are doing GOOOOOOOOD luv u much, Caroline
Saturday, January 03, 2004
I had a fun night taking pictures of my cuzin Cynthia. She looked like a supa beauty queen. It was Franky, Anna, Cynth and her friend over here. Tomorrow we will take more pictures and hopefully one of them will be "senior picture worthy". For those of u who don't know my cuz Cynth is here visiting from Kansas City. I am a little sleepy now. I could not sleep last night...laid in bed from 11 TIL 3 am then took tylenol sinus to try to make me go to sleep and that didn't work either. I had a lot of wierd dreams in the moments that I dozed off. i should have written them down, they would have made for an interesting blog. Oh well. Happy early a.m. on the Saturday everyone! XOXO
Thursday, January 01, 2004
Happpppppy 2004
Oh yes, it must be a happy must it must it must!
Here are a few pieces of good advice for the new year that I got off of a message board on AOL:
If u don't have cash in hand...don't buy
Make presents at home (CD's, videos or power point presentations)
Read something every day........paper, magazine or Bible
Exercise for more energy
Okay well they aren't rocket science but pretty good advice. I like the part about reading everyday. Anyway......... Happy new year to all! Let's make this the best one yet.
Here are a few pieces of good advice for the new year that I got off of a message board on AOL:
If u don't have cash in hand...don't buy
Make presents at home (CD's, videos or power point presentations)
Read something every day........paper, magazine or Bible
Exercise for more energy
Okay well they aren't rocket science but pretty good advice. I like the part about reading everyday. Anyway......... Happy new year to all! Let's make this the best one yet.
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